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How to use and configure ADC of STM32F407G-Discovery with nanoFramework?

I try to use ChibiOS presetted ADCs. Available channels following the specification:

  • PC1, ADC1 IN11
  • PC2 ADC1 IN12
  • PA6 ADC2 IN6
  • PA7 ADC2 IN7
  • PB0 ADC2 IN8
  • Temp Sensor ADC1
  • VrefInt ADC1
  • Vbatt ADC1

Presetted ADCs from ChibiOS' build source (target_system_device_adc_config.cpp):

#include <sys_dev_adc_native_target.h>
const NF_PAL_ADC_PORT_PIN_CHANNEL AdcPortPinConfig[] = {
    // ADC1
    {1, GPIOC, 1, ADC_CHANNEL_IN11},
    {1, GPIOC, 2, ADC_CHANNEL_IN12},
    // ADC2
    {2, GPIOA, 6, ADC_CHANNEL_IN6},
    {2, GPIOA, 7, ADC_CHANNEL_IN7},
    {2, GPIOB, 0, ADC_CHANNEL_IN8},
    // these are the internal sources, available only at ADC1
const int AdcChannelCount = ARRAYSIZE(AdcPortPinConfig);

How to use ADCs? Is there some way to configure ADC in C# code? I would appreciate any help. Thank you

I wrote this code:

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Device.Adc;
namespace ADCMeasure
    public class Program
        private static int adcValue;
        public static void Main()
            AdcController adcController = new AdcController();
            AdcChannel pa6Channel = adcController.OpenChannel(6);
            while (true)
                adcValue = pa6Channel.ReadValue();
                double ratio = pa6Channel.ReadRatio();
                Debug.WriteLine($"{nameof(adcValue)}: {adcValue}; {nameof(ratio)}: {ratio}; MaxValue: {adcController.MaxValue}; MinValue: {adcController.MinValue}");
                Thread.Sleep( 1000 );

and have debug console output: adcValue: 1695; ratio: 0.41343101; MaxValue: 4095; MinValue: 0

It corresponds real 2.7V on PA6.

If I change the channel to 7th (adcController.OpenChannel(7)),

I have adcValue: 4; ratio: 0; MaxValue: 4095; MinValue: 0 and 0V on PA7.

If I connect PA7 (7th channel) to external 2V I have no changes in debug console but I see this 2V on PA7 by voltmeter, it would be about adcValue: 1260 and ratio: 0.30769


  • The index that you use when calling adcController.OpenChannel(6) is the index of the AdcPortPinConfig[] array. By using 7 you're reading the ADC_CHANNEL_VBAT. (mind that's 0 based)