This question is similar to this one : Is it possible to return multiple values from an external file to Dymola? but somehow, it could not help me.
I have the following C structure:
typedef struct ModelicaExport
double* foo;
double* bar;
} ModelicaExport;
and the following test function in C.
void testExport(double a, double b, void * modelicaExport)
ModelicaExport* output = modelicaExport;
double* foo = output->foo;
double* bar = output->bar;
foo[0] = a;
foo[1] = b;
bar[0] = a - b;
bar[1] = a + b;
The structure and function behaves normally in C, no issues here. I can export the function as a static library using Visual Studio Build Tools 2019. No issues here either.
The problem arises when I call this function is Dymola. I recreated the "structure" in Dymola as a record ( as indicated here )
record recordTest
Real foo[3];
Real bar[3];
end recordTest;
Then I created the function is dymola to call my external C function:
function testExportC "test calculation through external C code"
extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
input Real a;
input Real b;
output recordTest cc;
external "C" testExport(a, b, cc)
annotation(Include="#include \"myheader.h\"",Library="mylib");
end testExportC;
I am confident the annotation with the header and library is correct since I tried it on even simpler function and everything works well. However testExportC does not work. It compiles fine, I get a message from dymola saying compilation is successful but then it "stopped without error indication" according to Dymola. What could I be missing ? I am using Dymola 2023x with Visual Studio Build Tools 2019 also.
The external C interface in Modelica is intended for returning "values", and only scalars in records can be handled - specifically arrays as in modelicaExport are not supported,
This is a recent change and the old link you use hasn't been updated.
The reason for forbidding arrays is that in practice arrays are often variable-length and that would create a mess. In particular in C the following structs:
typedef struct ModelicaExport
double* foo;
double* bar;
} ModelicaExport;
struct ModelicaExport2 {
double foo[3];
double bar[3];
are completely different, and not compatible.
You will either have to re-think the original issue (it might be a X-Y problem), or write a C-wrapper for testExport.