I'm trying to create a queue of tracks, but the problem is that all the information from the Internet is outdated, and I don't understand how to do it. I want my bot to play audio recordings in voice chat, and I can add audio recordings to the queue and have them play after the previous one ends, the only option that I found is through AudioTrack, but the problem is that I do not understand how to follow the link on a YouTube video, it should be redefined to the AudioTrack class, the only solution that I found was through loadItem, but it is also not correct due to the parameters in new versions.
private static AudioPlayerManager createAudioPlayerManager() {
AudioPlayerManager manager = new DefaultAudioPlayerManager();
return manager;
public static AudioPlayer createAudioPlayer(VoiceChannel channel) {
AudioManager audioManager = channel.getGuild().getAudioManager();
AudioPlayer audioPlayer = createAudioPlayerManager().createPlayer();
audioManager.setSendingHandler(new AudioPlayerSendHandler(audioPlayer));
return audioPlayer;
public static AudioTrack loadPlaylist(String url, AudioPlayer player) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
AudioTrack track = createAudioPlayerManager().loadItem(url, new AudioLoader(player)).get();
return track;
public void onTrackEnd(AudioPlayer player, AudioTrack track, AudioTrackEndReason endReason) {
if (endReason.mayStartNext)
public void addTrack(String videoUrl) {
AudioTrack audio = loadPlaylist(url, this.player)
if (this.player.getPlayingTrack() == null) {
The lavaplayer repository on GitHub provides a demo, which includes TrackScheduler
to manage a queue of tracks.