Our ASP.NET Core web application has an ever-growing list of Controllers. At build-time of the project, I want to programmatically generate an individual separate swagger.json file for each Controller. (We need these files on disk to be picked up by another process.)
I've tried using NSwag and Swashbuckle. I configured them to generate a Document per Controller but their build-time CLI libraries seem to only support generating a single swagger.json file for a single specified document. I do not want to manually hard-code any specific document or Controller references.
Here is a solution I came up with using NSWag. But it could ultimately use any library that can generate files.
Basically what happens is the msbuild step "boots" your web application after it is built and the process checks for a special flag (generate-swagger) to indicate that you just want the swagger generated and the process to exit.
Helper extension method
public static class WebApplicationExtensions
public static async Task GenerateSwaggerFilesAsync(this WebApplication app, string folderPath)
Console.WriteLine($"Generating Swagger Files > \"{Path.GetFullPath(folderPath)}\"");
if (Directory.Exists(folderPath))
Directory.Delete(folderPath, true);
var apiGroups = app.Services.GetService<IApiDescriptionGroupCollectionProvider>()!.ApiDescriptionGroups;
foreach (var apiGroup in apiGroups.Items)
var settings = new AspNetCoreOpenApiDocumentGeneratorSettings
Title = apiGroup.GroupName,
DocumentName = apiGroup.GroupName,
ApiGroupNames = new string[] { apiGroup.GroupName! },
SchemaType = NJsonSchema.SchemaType.OpenApi3,
SerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings
ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()
// TODO: Add any processors you want
settings.OperationProcessors.Add(new ActionNameOperationProcessor());
var apiGenerator = new AspNetCoreOpenApiDocumentGenerator(settings);
var apiDocument = await apiGenerator.GenerateAsync(apiGroups);
var json = apiDocument.ToJson();
var subFolder = folderPath.UrlCombine(apiGroup.GroupName!);
var file = $"{subFolder}/swagger.json";
await File.WriteAllTextAsync(file, json);
if (app.Configuration["generate-swagger"] == "true")
await app.StopAsync();
public class ActionNameOperationProcessor : IOperationProcessor
public bool Process(OperationProcessorContext context)
var aspNetCoreContext = (AspNetCoreOperationProcessorContext)context;
var controllerActionDescriptor = (ControllerActionDescriptor)aspNetCoreContext.ApiDescription.ActionDescriptor;
context.OperationDescription.Operation.OperationId = controllerActionDescriptor.ActionName;
context.OperationDescription.Operation.Tags = new List<string> { aspNetCoreContext.ApiDescription.GroupName! };
return true;
Call it in Program/Startup.cs and provide a directory
// Generate Swagger
await app.GenerateSwaggerFilesAsync("./.swagger");
Add this to your web .csproj to generate on build
<Target Name="GenerateSwagger" AfterTargets="Build" Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Debug'">
<Exec WorkingDirectory="$(RunWorkingDirectory)" Command="$(RunCommand) --generate-swagger true" />