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How to convert a hexstring to shellcode format?

I have a bytes key define as:

KEY = b'\xb5\x89\xd5\x03\x03\x96`\x9dq\xa7\x81\xed\xb2gYR'

I want this to be formatted like shellcode, i.e two hexa characters like: \x41\x42\x43...

So I tried to do it like this:

KEY = b'\xb5\x89\xd5\x03\x03\x96`\x9dq\xa7\x81\xed\xb2gYR'
hexkey = KEY.hex()
l = []

for i in range(0, len(hexkey) - 2, 2):
    b = '\\x' + hexkey[i] + hexkey[i+1]

but this isn't escaping the backslash for some reason, I get this output:

['\\xb5', '\\x89', '\\xd5', '\\x03', '\\x03', '\\x96', '\\x60', '\\x9d', '\\x71', '\\xa7', '\\x81', '\\xed', '\\xb2', '\\x67', '\\x59']

what am i doing wrong? Is there a better way to do this?


  • .join() and print them. You can iterate over the bytes directly as well:

    KEY = b'\xb5\x89\xd5\x03\x03\x96`\x9dq\xa7\x81\xed\xb2gYR'
    print(''.join(f'\\x{b:02x}' for b in KEY))

