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How can I add the suggestion button in my Chatbot?

I am creating a chatbot by Flutter and DialogFlow. Now I want to add some suggestion button into the chat screen right after saying "Hello" like this: suggestion buttons sample

I am a Flutter newbie so I need some ideas to create these buttons. Do you have any idea about this? Thank you a lot


  • Try this solution!

    (Don't forget to replace YOUR_INTENT_NAME with the correct value.)

    QueryResult result = await DialogflowApi.detectIntent(query, languageCode);
    if (result.intent.displayName == 'YOUR_INTENT_NAME') {
      return Column(
        children: [
          SizedBox(height: 10),
            spacing: 8.0,
            runSpacing: 4.0,
            children: List<Widget>.generate(
              (index) => SuggestionChip(
                label: Text(result.fulfillmentMessages[0].suggestions.suggestions[index]),
                onPressed: () => _handleSuggestionTap(result.fulfillmentMessages[0].suggestions.suggestions[index]),