I want to call a function every second in pinescript. This function can have an alert. So basically this script would fire an alert every second.
I have tried a security
method but it doesn't work.
something like this:
oneSecondInterval() =>
alert("1s alert")
1 //just returning value 1 to fulffil the condition that expression in security must return a value.
myvar = request.security(syminfo.tickerid,'1S',oneSecondInterval())
The above code only issues alert at start of the bar and not every second.
This is super unpractical and wouldn't even work.
If your script triggeres more than 15 alerts in 3 minutes, the alerts will automatically stop.
If you want to check if it is a new second, you should use a varip
variable but still, your script will be executed on each new tick. If there is no trade activity, it might take a while.
Here is an idea for you:
varip last_second = second(timenow)
is_new_second = second(timenow) != last_second
last_second := is_new_second ? second(timenow) : last_second
Then use is_new_second
as a condition to trigger your alert.