I have 3 tables associated like this:
| id | title | author |
| 1 | Initial D | Yuki Urushibara |
:Tags :Manga_Tags_Association
| id | name | | tag_id | manga_id |
|----+--------| |--------+----------|
| 1 | racing | | 1 | 1 |
| 2 | sports | | 2 | 1 |
| 3 | chill | | 3 | 23 |
| 1 | 5 |
Where the third one represents the association between manga entries and tags (so 'Initial D'
is tagged as both 'racing'
and 'sports'
I already have queries to search and filter in different ways, but I'm struggling really hard at filtering by a tag while returning a result like this, preserving all of the tags associated tags:
| M.id | M.title | tags |
| 1 | Initial D | racing, sports |
| 55 | REDLINE | sports, racing, scifi |
How can I do this if, let's say, I'm filtering by tags that are equal to 'racing'
? My attempts either exclude all of the tags that are not the one specified from the results, looking like this...
| M.id | M.title | tags |
| 1 | Initial D | racing |
| 55 | REDLINE | racing |
...or don't work at all, like the ones I've tried thinking I can check the contents of GROUP_CONCAT
(SELECT ..., GROUP_CONCAT(Tags.title) AS AllTags ... something something ''racing' IN AllTags;)
given it's not a table. I also couldn't get this done by doing a subquery listing all of the tags related to a Manga.id
and checking if any of the rows contains 'racing'
, because I don't know if that's even possible (I couldn't find how). Nor using HAVING 'racing' IN
a subquery aliased AllTags
(same issue as before, it complains it's not a table).
Edit: OK I just saw some things about windows, I'm experimenting with that.
Join the tables, aggregate and set the condition in the HAVING
SELECT m.id, m.title,
GROUP_CONCAT(t.name) tags
FROM Manga m
INNER JOIN Manga_Tags_Association mta ON mta.manga_id = m.id
INNER JOIN Tags t ON t.id = mta.tag_id
HAVING MAX(t.name = 'racing') = TRUE; -- just HAVING MAX(t.name = 'racing') will also do