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"Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters" in Scala

I've solved Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters problem using sliding window technique :

def lengthOfLongestSubstring(s: String): Int = {

  case class Acc(chars: Set[Char], left: Int, len: Int)
  s.zipWithIndex.scanLeft(Acc(Set(), 0, 0)) { case (acc, (c, right)) =>

    def moveLeftBoundary(chars: Set[Char], left: Int): (Set[Char], Int) =
      if (chars.contains(c)) moveLeftBoundary(chars - s(left), left + 1) else (chars, left)

    val (chars, left) = moveLeftBoundary(acc.chars, acc.left)
    Acc(chars + c, left, right - left + 1)


The solution is accepted and not very long but looks a bit clumsy because of indices and the internal function. Could you suggest a simpler solution in Scala ?


  • I don't care fp or not for performance sensitive codes. Actually pure fp style code is always slower than no pure fp code in my experience.

    Here we go:

    def lengthOfLongestSubstring(s: String): Int = {
        def rec(start: Int, end: Int, size: Int, visited: Array[Int]): Int = 
            if (end >= s.length) size
            else {
                val newStart = start.max(visited(s(end).toInt) + 1)
                visited(s(end).toInt) = end
                rec(newStart, end+1, size.max(end-newStart+1), visited)
        rec(0, 0, 0, Array.fill(128)(-1))

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