Java 8+ allows assigning method references to Functional Interfaces.
Then what is the problem with below code (jdoodle link) -
public void newMethod(){
Predicate p = String::isBlank;
Different from the error in jdoodle compilation, in my local (gist link) i get error:
Non-static method cannot be referenced from a static context
But - below thing worked
Predicate<String> pp = String::isBlank; //this thing works
This is because you are using a raw type - Predicate
. The function type of a raw functional interface is:
The function type of the raw type of a generic functional interface
is the erasure of the function type of the generic functional interfaceI<...>
The function type for the generic Predicate<T>
is (T) -> boolean
(pardon my own original syntax here), a function that takes in a T
and returns a boolean
. Therefore, the function type of the raw Predicate
is (Object) -> boolean
, the erasure of (T) -> boolean
This means that it is possible to assign Objects::isNull
to such a raw functional interface (but you shouldn't use raw types in the first place):
// Objects::isNull takes an Object and returns a boolean, so this compiles
Predicate x = Objects::isNull;
The method reference String::blank
only takes a String
, not any kind of Object
. Therefore it is not congruent with the the function type (Object) -> boolean
and hence cannot be assigned to a variable of type Predicate
If Predicate p = String::isBlank;
had worked, then you would be able to do something like p.test(1)
. And String::isBlank
would have to magically determine whether 1
"is blank".
The error message here is admittedly a bit confusing.
For Predicate<String>
, the definition of its function type is different, and it has the function type (String) -> boolean
, which the method reference String::isBlank
is congruent to.
The function type of a parameterized functional interface type
, where A1...An are types and the corresponding type parameters of I are P1...Pn, is derived by applying the substitution [P1:=A1, ..., Pn:=An] to the function type of the generic functional interfaceI<P1...Pn>