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themoviedb API return the same set of movies

I just tried the API from themoviedb API and I got some problem.

I tried to fetch some movies data from themoviedb API, but the result is always the same and never changed, I know that themoviedb API is just return 20 data of movies, but the problem is, it always return the same movie, with same title of course:

Here is my url :<my_api_key>

What I want to know is how to get 20 data of movie and it's always return random movies when I render the web site.

Maybe you can help me out of this problem, and I hope you explain with some example especially in the URL writing.


  • if you want to see all 20 movies, you will need a forEach to show all 20 movies, otherwise you will only see one.

    you can make a request with the fetch method and in another method you can display the all movies using forEach.

    async function getInfo(){
     var API_KEY='apiKey';
     const res=''+API_KEY;
            return await fetch(res)
                .then( (response) => { return response.json(); })
                .catch( (response) => { console.log(response); })
     async function showInfo(){
        const { results } = await getInfo();//get the object, which is returned by the getInfo function
        const movies = Array.from(results);
        let template = document.getElementById('template-movies').content;
        let fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
        //read movies
        movies.forEach( movie=> {
            template.querySelector('#image').src =''+movie.poster_path; //image
            template.querySelector("#title").textContent = movie.title; //movie title
            let clone = document.importNode(template, true); //clone fragment
            fragment.appendChild(clone); //add clone to fragment
        //add fragment to parent