Hey I am trying to make an responsive web and I want to know if you can have a combined media query for special phones with high view ports such as galaxy s23, IPhone 12/13.
I mean we all know that you can have common breakpoints such as @media (width <= 450px)
For mobiles, etc.
But sometimes we have special phones with 372×900 viewport to care of, so I just want to know if there is any option to combine all media queries for kind of similar view ports.
I tried to find some solutions for specific media queries of special phones but it's seems not that smart to define a specific view port to care of.
If you mean targetting screen width and screen height together, you can do that by seperating them with (and) like =>
@media screen and (min-width: 30rem) and (min-height: 60rem) {
/* … */
you can even add more role for screen orientation =>
@media screen and (min-width: 30rem) and (min-height: 60rem) and (orientation: landscape) {
/* … */