This is the question
This is the optimization model i wrote out:
m = gp.Model(env=env)
x1 = m.addVar(name='x1', lb=0, ub=5000)
x2 = m.addVar(name='x2', lb=0, ub=5000)
y1 = m.addVar(name='y1', lb=0)
y2 = m.addVar(name='y2', lb=0)
y3 = m.addVar(name='y3', lb=0)
m.setObjective(70*y1 + 60*y2 + 50*y3 - 45*x1 - 35*x2, sense=gp.GRB.MAXIMIZE)
m.addConstr(x1 <= 5000)
m.addConstr(x2 <= 5000)
m.addConstr(x1 + x2 <= 9000)
m.addConstr(12*x1 + 6*x2 >= 10*y1)
m.addConstr(12*x1 + 6*x2 >= 8*y2)
m.addConstr(12*x1 + 6*x2 >= 6*y3)
m.addConstr(0.5*x1 + 2*x2 <= y1)
m.addConstr(0.5*x1 + 2*x2 <= 2*y2)
m.addConstr(0.5*x1 + 2*x2 <= y3)
m.addConstr( x1 >= 0)
m.addConstr( x2 >= 0)
m.addConstr( y1 >= 0)
m.addConstr( y2 >= 0)
m.addConstr( y3 >= 0)
print('Optimal objective value:', m.objVal)
print('x1:', x1.x)
print('x2:', x2.x)
print('y1:', y1.x)
print('y2:', y2.x)
print('y3:', y3.x)
Can someone check if my approach is correct because im quite confused when it comes to the octane rating and iron content portion
Yes correct. you can remove the bound constraints as variable declarations are covering that. You can also scale down the Octane rating constraints (divide both sides of first 2 octane rating constraints by 2 & the third one by 6)