Search code examples

prisma update two items, switch around unique constraint on index

with the following model I want to switch around the index of two different tracks

model Track {
    index  Int
    trackId String @map("track_id") @db.VarChar(22)

    room Room @relation(fields: [roomId], references: [pin], onDelete: Cascade)
    roomId String @map("room_id")

    @@id([roomId, trackId])
    @@unique([roomId, index])

I tried to update the tracks in a transaction like

await this.db.$transaction(async (transaction) => {
  const promises ={ trackId }, index) => {
    return transaction.track.update({
      where: { roomId_trackId: { roomId: pin, trackId } },
      data: { index },

  await Promise.all(promises);

But I get the following error Unique constraint failed on the fields: ('room_id', 'index')


I also tried to update all the indexes in a single transaction like

const update = sorted
  .map(({ trackId, index }, newIndex) => {
    const updateIndexTo =
       room.currentIndex - unshiftCurrentIndex + newIndex + 1;
       if (index === updateIndexTo) return; // No need to update

       return {
         where: { roomId_trackId: { roomId: pin, trackId } },
         data: { index: updateIndexTo },

  where: { pin },
  data: { tracks: { update } },


  • In the meantime for people who also struggle with a similar issue, I found a workaround using two transactions.

    const update = sorted
    .map(({ trackId, index }, newIndex) => {
      const updateIndexTo =
        room.currentIndex - unshiftCurrentIndex + newIndex + 1;
      if (index === updateIndexTo) return; // No need to update
      return {
        where: { pin_trackId: { pin, trackId } },
        data: { index: updateIndexTo },
    const updateToHighIndex =, index) => ({
      data: {,
        index: maxCurrentIndex + index,
    // (1) Clear out the indexes
      where: { pin },
      data: { tracks: { update: updateToHighIndex } },
    // (2) Set the correct indexes
      where: { pin },
      data: { tracks: { update } },

    Ps. I guess this should also be possible using the raw database access