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When writing an IntelliJ Plugin in Java I get ClassNotFoundException but the class exists

There are similar question in SO, but I'm sure this is different.

I'm developing an IntelliJ Idea Plugin, and the issue is with a class that is under IDE's classpath, I mean that the class is loaded with the IDE application itself.

Please look at these screenshots:

I can get the class by .javaClass in kotlin or .getClass() in java.

fig 1

When accessing the class (no luck)

fig 2

Getting class by reflection (no luck)

fig 3

The code: github reference

class SelectLiteralElementUnderCaretAction : SelectTextUnderCaretAction() {
    private fun rawSelectionRange(caret: Caret) = {
        if (!moveUntilReached("\"'`", "\n", BACKWARD)) return@run null
        val startCandidateOffset = prevCharOffset
        val startCandidateChar = prevChar!!
        val backwardDistance = (caret.offset - startCandidateOffset).absoluteValue
        if (!moveUntilReached("\"'`", "\n", FORWARD)) return@run null
        val endCandidateOffset = nextCharOffset
        val endCandidateChar = nextChar!!
        val forwardDistance = (caret.offset - endCandidateOffset).absoluteValue
        if (startCandidateChar == endCandidateChar)
            return@run startCandidateOffset..endCandidateOffset + 1
        if (backwardDistance < forwardDistance) {
            if (!moveUntilReached(startCandidateChar.toString(), "\n", FORWARD)) return@run null
            return@run startCandidateOffset..nextCharOffset + 1
        if (backwardDistance > forwardDistance) {
            if (!moveUntilReached(endCandidateChar.toString(), "\n", BACKWARD)) return@run null
            return@run prevCharOffset..endCandidateOffset + 1
        return@run null
    private fun shrinkSelection(caret: Caret): IntRange? {
        val text = caret.selectedText!!
        val first = text.first()
        val last = text.last()
        if (first == last && first in "`'\"") {
            val oldStart = caret.selectionStart
            val start = text.indexOfFirst { it != first }
            val end = text.indexOfLast { it != last }
            return (oldStart + start)..(oldStart + end + 1)
        return null
    override fun getSelectionRange(caret: Caret, psiFile: PsiFile): IntRange? {
        if (caret.hasSelection())
            shrinkSelection(caret)?.let { return it }
        val element = psiFile.elementAt(caret)
        return when ( {
            "java" -> element?.parentOfType<PsiLiteralExpression>(true)?.textRange?.intRange
            "kotlin" -> element?.parentOfType<KtStringTemplateExpression>(true)?.textRange?.intRange // issue is here
            "typescript" -> element?.parentOfTypes(
                withSelf = true
            "go" -> element?.parentOfType<GoStringLiteral>()?.textRange?.intRange
            else -> rawSelectionRange(caret)

What I Tried

I tried reflection and it didn't help.

I used ide-scripting-console to be sure that this type exists at runtime and existed

I also have the dependency on Kotlin plugin

enter image description here


  • Finally I solved the issue. thanks to @Queeg and @chubbsondubs for their comments.

    I added the dependency to kotlin plugin in plugin.xml like below:


    and also changed the plugin ids in build.gradle as follows (but I don't think that the problem was actually from here):


    which previously was:
