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How to write the iota descriptor in Coq?

I'm exercising my proving skills with the book “Mereology” of Cotnoir and Varzi (2021). The first definitions given in the book, after accepting the primitive binary relation P, are :

(D1) PPxy := Pxy /\ ~ (x = y)
(D2) Oxy := ∃z (Pzx /\ Pzy)
(D3) Uxy := ∃z (Pxz /\ Pyz)
(D4) Dxy := ~∃z (Pzx /\ Pzy)
(D5) x - y := ιz∀w (Pwz <-> (Pwx /\ Dwy))

So, I coded the primite and the first four definitions like this:

Parameter Entity : Set.
Parameter P : Entity -> Entity -> Prop.

Definition PP x y := P x y /\ x <> y.
Definition O x y := exists z, P z x /\ P z y.
Definition U x y := exists z, P x z /\ P y z.
Definition D x y := ~ exists z, P z x /\ P z y.

However, I don’t know how to code the fifth one. I identified that it should be a function of type Entity -> Entity -> Entity as the iota operator (ι) refers to the one z that satisfies the following formula. Therefore, "x - y" should return the given z.

At it looks like an operator, I first tried with a notation:

Notation "x - y" := (exists z, forall w ,(P w z <-> (P w x /\ D w y))).

However, as I expected, this is not what I wanted. I checked the type of "x - y":

Variables x y: Entity.
Check x - y.

And I got, as expected, the type Prop, and not Entity.

After a search on Google, I find this in the standard library: Library Coq.Logic.ClassicalDescription, and in particular a definition of a iota operator, but I didn’t understand how to use it.

Therefore, I have two questions: is my implementation choices (in particular the Parameters Entity and P) ok? and if so, how can I implement the operation "x - y"?


  • I am not sure what you are trying to do. But if you want to use the iota in the Classical Description, it may look like

    Require Import ClassicalDescription.
    Parameter Entity : Set.
    Parameter P : Entity -> Entity -> Prop.
    Definition PP x y := P x y /\ x <> y.
    Definition O x y := exists z, P z x /\ P z y.
    Definition U x y := exists z, P x z /\ P y z.
    Definition D x y := ~ exists z, P z x /\ P z y.
    Definition B x y := iota x (fun z => forall w , (P w z <-> (P w x /\ D w y))).
    Notation "x - y" := (B x y).
    Lemma B_spec x y w : P w (x - y) <-> (P w x /\ D w y).
    apply (iota_spec x (fun z => forall w , (P w z <-> (P w x /\ D w y)))).