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Fusion Charts vertical axis labels

I'm trying to characterize the values on the vertical axis, labeling them as text. For example, a value of 25 would be "Low", 50 would be "Medium" and 75 would be "High". I don't see anywhere in the documentation that that can be done. The following graph would be my desired result:

Risk Assessment


In fact, there doesn't seem to be a way to do this in either Excel or Google Sheets (unless I'm missing something).

Any help would be appreciated.

I searched the documentation and found nothing to help solve my problem. I also researched Excel and Google sheets but to no avail.


  • Since you tagged fusioncharts, yes you can achieve with annotations object in fusioncharts -

    A quick look at the object would be like this -

     "annotations": {
        "origw": "600",
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        "autoscale": "1",
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            "id": "ds1tips",
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                "fillcolor": "#6baa01",
                "x": "$dataset.0.set.0.x + 5",
                "y": "$dataset.0.set.0.y - 30",
                "tox": "$dataset.0.set.0.x + 80",
                "toy": "$dataset.0.set.0.y - 10",
                "visible": "0"
        }, {
            "id": "yaxisline",
            "items": [{
                "id": "line",
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                "color": "#f8bd19",
                "x": "$canvasstartx - 5",
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                "thickness": "3"
            }, {
                "id": "none-label-bg",
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                "text": "Few",
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            }, {
                "id": "maximum-label",
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                "fillcolor": "#ffffff",
                "text": "High",
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