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Downloading files using wildcards with scp in Ruby

I am successfully downloading the log files in "log_list" from the server to destination using the code below. I am using net/ssh / net/scp : (

log_list = ["ini.log", "syslog.log", "network.log"]

    def fetch(fetchlogs)
        root_cli do |ssh|
          fetchlogs.each do |testlog|
              source= "/var/log/logfiles/#{testlog}"
              destination = "/home/Documents/testdir/"
            rescue Exception => e
              info "#{fetch} is not a valid file ==++==++ "

Now the log files in "log_list" are rotating logs and can have multiple files like "ini.log ,ini.log.001, ini.log.002, ..." and i want to download all what i tried is with *:

log_list = ["ini.log*", "syslog.log*", "network.log*"]

which normally i thought should work but this is resulting in no file with exception.

ini.log* is not a valid file ==++==++
syslog.log* is not a valid file ==++==++
network.log* is not a valid file ==++==++

I also tried with adding * directly to source instead in log_list

source = "/var/log/logfiles/#{testlog}*"
pp " source #{source}"!(source,"/home/Documents/testdir/")


source ini.log*
source syslog.log*
source network.log*

but files are not being downloaded with same error

ini.log* is not a valid file ==++==++
syslog.log* is not a valid file ==++==++
network.log* is not a valid file ==++==++

Although files exits, Does somebody have any idea, is * character is being escaped ? !!


  • You can use scp.session.exec! with ls to gather a list of files based on your wildcard choice, and then download each source file one by one.

    Something along these lines:

    log_list = ["ini.log*", "syslog.log*", "network.log*"]
    fetchlogs.each do |testlog|
      source = "/var/log/logfiles/#{testlog}"
      destination = "/home/Documents/testdir/"
      # Fetch list of wildcard files using ls
      source_files = ssh.scp.session.exec!("ls #{source}").split
      source_files.each { |file|        !(file, destination)