This isn't exactly an issue, but more of a check to make sure I'm not making a mistake. I recently started with mysql, and I couldn't access the shell.
I looked through my path variables and found out mysql shell is actually called mysqlsh. i made a copy of the shell and called it mysql instead. but I'm waried it might cause an error if I do so.
Therfore, I wanted to ask a question to make sure that this isn't gonna bite in the ass later, it is okay to change the name of mysql, right?
The MySQL product still includes the traditional command-line interface, mysql.
MySQL Shell is a different client with different features (at least it's installed separately in MySQL 8.0, perhaps this will change in the future).
MySQL Shell is a component that you can install separately.
So it could cause confusion if you rename the executable mysqlsh
to mysql
. Then if you install both on the same computer, which one would it run? It would depend on which one it finds first as it searches your Bash PATH.
I would suggest you do not rename the executable. If you want it to run the MySQL Shell when you type mysql
in the Bash shell, I would recommend defining an alias in your .bashrc
alias mysql=mysqlsh