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Tidy Eval - pass mutated column to a group by - R

I'm running into an issue passing a column being created in mutate to the the group_by function.

here is some example data:

set.seed(42)  ## for sake of reproducibility

w2_test <- data.frame(id=1:607, 
                      wave = "W2",
                      tech =floor(runif(607, 1, 6)))

This function does recoding of Likert scales

recoding_1_fn <- function(var_name) {
  var_name_ <- case_when(
    var_name %in% c(1, 2, 3, 6) ~ "disagree",
    var_name %in% c(4, 5) ~ "agree",
    TRUE ~ NA

and this function attempts to summarize n by the recoded scales above

summary_w2_fn <- function(df, w2_name, w3_name, suffix = "recoded") {
  df %>% 
    rename({{w3_name}} := {{w2_name}}) %>%
    count(wave, {{w3_name}}) %>%
    drop_na() %>% 
    mutate("{{w3_name}}_{suffix}" := recoding_1_fn({{w3_name}})) %>% 
    group_by(wave, "{{w3_name}}_{suffix}") %>%
    summarise(n = sum(n)) %>% 
    rename("{{w3_name}}" := "{{w3_name}}_{suffix}")

when called This above function works up until the mutate function

w2 %>% summary_w2_fn(tech, W3_SUS_4)

and I get a dataset that looks like this:

df up until mutate

If I let it run to the group_by, it won't recognize the column "{{w3_name}}_{suffix}" and I get the following

df up until summarise

I've tried a number of enquo, quos, !!, etc. but really at random, since I'm stuck, nothing has worked.

If there a way that I can pass the column being created in mutate to the next function?

You help appreciated.



  • Untested since you didn't provide a reprex:

    summary_w2_fn <- function(df, w2_name, w3_name, suffix = "recoded") {
      recoded_name <- rlang::englue("{{w3_name}}_{suffix}")
      df %>% 
        rename({{w3_name}} := {{w2_name}}) %>%
        count(wave, {{w3_name}}) %>%
        drop_na() %>% 
        mutate("{recoded_name}" := recoding_1_fn({{w3_name}})) %>% 
        group_by(wave, .data[[recoded_name]]) %>%
        summarise(n = sum(n))

    I removed the last expression because it had the structure of a filter() but it was a call to rename(), something looks wrong.