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How to resolve zero division error for the following code which uses scipy?

Here's my python code:

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad

a = 0.15

def A(z):
    return -a * z**2

def integrand(x, z, B):
    return np.sqrt(-(2/x)*(3*x*A(x).derivative(n=2) - 3*x*(A(x).derivative(n=1))**2 + 6*A(x).derivative(n=1) + 2*B**4*x**3 + 2*B**2*x))

def Phi(z, B):
    result, _ = quad(integrand, 0, z, args=(z, B))
    return result

phi_values = [Phi(z, 0) for z in range(101)]

I am getting a "ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero"

How to resolve this issue?

I tried using sympy but to no avail.


  • Fixing your other breakage re. derivatives with some wild guessing, and adding an epsilon as your lower integration bound,

    import numpy as np
    from scipy.integrate import quad
    a = 0.15
    # def A(z: float) -> float:
    #     return -a * z**2
    A = np.poly1d((-a, 0, 0))
    Ad1 = A.deriv(m=1)
    Ad2 = A.deriv(m=2)
    def integrand(x: float, z: float, B: float) -> float:
        return np.sqrt(
                - 3*x*Ad1(x)**2
                + 6*Ad1(x)
                + 2*B**4*x**3
                + 2*B**2*x
    def Phi(z: float, B: float):
        epsilon = 1e-6
        result, _ = quad(func=integrand, a=epsilon, b=z, args=(z, B))
        return result
    phi_values = [Phi(z, 0) for z in range(101)]
    [-2.32379001e-06  2.36195636e+00  4.94106004e+00  7.90800675e+00
      1.13771987e+01  1.54207025e+01  2.00839857e+01  2.53965776e+01
      3.40309939e+03  3.47405018e+03  3.54573543e+03  3.61815514e+03

    But the saner thing to do is analytically divide out x:

    import numpy as np
    from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial
    from scipy.integrate import quad
    a = 0.15
    # def A(z: float) -> float:
    #     return -a * z**2
    A = Polynomial((0, 0, -a))
    Ad1 = A.deriv(m=1)
    Ad2 = A.deriv(m=2)
    # Divide by x prior to integrand
    Ad1ox = Ad1 // Polynomial((0, 1))
    def integrand(x: float, z: float, B: float) -> float:
        return np.sqrt(
                - 3*Ad1(x)**2
                + 6*Ad1ox(x)  # 6/x*Ad1(x)
                + 2*B**4*x**2
                + 2*B**2
    def Phi(z: float, B: float):
        result, _ = quad(func=integrand, a=0, b=z, args=(z, B))
        return result
    phi_values = [Phi(z, 0) for z in range(101)]

    which yields the same results.