Requirement: To read environment variables values from Kubernetes to dbt profiles.yml file
Issue: profiles.yml unable to read Kubernetes secrets values
Error :
Parsing Error
Env var required but not provided: 'profilePassword'
I run dbt command in Airflow which is installed Kubernetes
Tried below
Created secrets in kubernetes
kubectl create secret generic profile-secret --from-literal=profileusername=ABC_SA --from-literal='password=abcd' -n airflow
updated in the yml file as
- envName: profileUser
secretName: "profile-secret"
secretKey: "profileusername"
- envName: profilePassword
secretName: "profile-secret"
secretKey: "password"
In the dbt profiles.yml(Also tried without space)
account: abc
user: DEV_SA
password: "{{ env_var('profilePassword') }}"
database: DEV
role: DEV-ROLE
schema: DEV_SCHEMA
threads: 1
type: snowflake
warehouse: DEV_WH
target: dev
When placed hardcoded password values, it runs fine Or is there better way to read secret values
Resolved , issue was the python subprocesses was not reading the env variables