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After Extending Shopware 6 Product Entity, How Do I Save The Data When New Product Is Created?

I extended the Shopware 6 product table following Shopware documentation Adding complex data to existing entities.

I have added an input field to accept user data, how do I save it to the database when the product is saved. I want the data available in product.written event payload.

Seller Name Input Field


  • Since EntityExtension only allows to add either associations or runtime only fields (evaluated during runtime and cannot be persisted), I assume you registered your own custom entity and associated it with product.

    You can then use the extension property of the product entity to store values for associations to the extended entity.

    I assume you did override sw-product-settings-form to place the field in the administration:

    Component.override('sw-product-settings-form', {
        inject: ['repositoryFactory'],
        computed: {
            sellerName: {
                get() {
                    return this.product.extensions.yourEntity?.sellerName ?? null;
                set(value) {
                    if (!this.customer.extensions.yourEntity) {
                        this.$set(this.product.extensions, 'yourEntity', this.repositoryFactory.create('your_entity').create());
                    this.$set(this.product.extensions.yourEntity, 'sellerName', value);

    In your override's template:


    Changes to the field will then be persisted when saving the product. Here's an example plugin that extends the customer module with an extension field in the same manner.