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Stream of millions of objects takes too much memory

I'm generating a load of coordinates (made of 3 numbers) within a geographical area. However, using Streams (which should be much more efficient than Lists), fills up the app's memory very quickly, as can be seen in this screenshot from Observatory.

Observatory Trace

I need a structure where events can go in, and be read out one by one, and when this happens, removed from the structure. As far as I understand, that is what a Stream is. When you add a value, the old one is removed.

Unfortunatley, this doesn't appear to be happening. Instead, the stream just grows larger and larger - or at least something reading it does, but I just run the .length method on the returned stream, and that's it.

Here's the function that starts the Isolate that returns the stream of coordinate tiles. I'll omit the actual generator, as it's not important: it just sends a Coord to the SendPort.

static Stream<Coords<num>> _generateTilesComputer(
    DownloadableRegion region,
  ) async* {
    List<List<double>> serialiseOutline(l) => (l as List)
        .map((e) => [e.latitude, e.latitude])

    final port = ReceivePort();

    final tilesCalc = await Isolate.spawn(
      region.type == RegionType.rectangle
          ? rectangleTiles
          : region.type ==
              ? circleTiles
              : lineTiles,
        'port': port.sendPort,
        'rectOutline': region.type != RegionType.rectangle
            ? null
            : serialiseOutline(region.points),
        'circleOutline': region.type !=
            ? null
            : serialiseOutline(region.points),
        'lineOutline': region.type != RegionType.line
            ? null
            : (region.points as List<List<LatLng>>)
                .map((e) =>,
        'minZoom': region.minZoom,
        'maxZoom': region.maxZoom,
        'tileSize': region.options.tileSize,

    await for (final Coords<num>? coord in port
        .take(((region.end ?? double.maxFinite) - region.start).toInt())
        .cast()) {
      if (coord == null) {
      yield coord;

How can I prevent this memory leak? Happy to add more info if needed, but the full source code can be found at


  • Turns out, the issue was I was inadvertently storing the output of the stream. I'm not sure how/why/where, as the code in the question was designed to replace the code that stored these coords and outputted them as one List, but I guess I didn't get to the root cause.

    For others trying to find the answer to this issue: it's not the Streams fault, you're probably storing the output of the stream.
    For a useful pattern of 'multi-threaded' looping through results and processing them as they arrive, see this file from my library (may be outdated).