My cicd file:
- result=$(cat $NAME.txt)
- export VERSION="$result"
- echo $VERSION
- pre-build
BUILD_PATH: "base_images"
- NAME: !reference [.base_images]
From my runner:
[DEBUG] [2023-03-31 06:15:32 +0000] [container-scanning] >
trivy image --vuln-type os --no-progress --offline-scan --skip-update --security-checks vuln --format template --template @/usr/local/bundle/gems/gcs-5.3.2/lib/template/trivy.tpl --output tmp.json <registry>/base_images/aws-cli:
I am facing some issue with using the gitlab template for container scanning
- template: Jobs/Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
as shown on my ci file i’ve passed in the version from an artefact from the previous stage. and my echo does shows the correct version that i am getting. However when i run the scan, on the gitlab runner itself, no version was passed in.
Is there any steps i missed out to pass the variables from before_script?
I've tried using this in my before_script
- result=$(cat $NAME.txt)
- export VERSION="$result"
- echo VERSION="$result"
- echo "::set-output name=version::$VERSION"
And setting this under my variables
VERSION: ${{ steps.container_scanning.outputs.version }}
The end result is see when using VERSION: ${{ steps.container_scanning.outputs.version }}
during the echo is }
Can you clarify what you want to achieve?
I understand that in the before_script
you set the variable VERSION
Where do you want to use this variable? If you want to use this variable in the variables
section of the same job then it will not work, because the variables are set before the before_script
If this is what you want then you can either
set the variable CS_IMAGE
in the before_script
another job that will run before this job can publish the value of VERSION
an .env file