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SQL Pivot or Unpivot

I am trying to convert some data from one table format to another. I've never used either the Pivot or Unpivot functions and even after watching a few videos and looking at examples I'm still confused. Here is the query that gets the base data.

   CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CheckTime,101) AS Date
  ,DATEPART(hh, CheckTime) AS 'Check_Hour'
  ,KneeCapValue AS 'Knee_Cap'
  ,AttachedBackValue AS 'Attached_Back'
  ,BackSliverValue AS 'Back_Sliver'
  ,HardCartilageValue AS 'Hard_Cartilage'
  ,BoneValue AS 'Bone'
  ,BoneFree AS 'Bone_Free'
FROM DarkMeatFinishedProduct

I'm trying to get the data into the following format.

[Date], [Check Hour], [Machine], [Measure](This will be the old column names such as Knee Cap, Attached Back etc...) [Value]

I've gotten close with the following SQL but I'm not quite sure why it's returning a column for Bone_Free instead of making that part of the [Measure] and placing it's values in the [Value] Column. Here's as far as I've gotten so far.

     CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CheckTime,101) AS Date
    ,DATEPART(hh, CheckTime) AS 'Check_Hour'
    ,KneeCapValue AS 'Knee_Cap'
    ,AttachedBackValue AS 'Attached_Back'
    ,BackSliverValue AS 'Back_Sliver'
    ,HardCartilageValue AS 'Hard_Cartilage'
    ,BoneValue AS 'Bone'
    ,BoneFree AS 'Bone_Free'
  FROM DarkMeatFinishedProduct
) AS Source
Unpivot(Value FOR Measure IN (Knee_Cap, Attached_Back, Back_Sliver, Hard_Cartilage, Bone)) AS Pvt_Tble


  • You need to add the Bone_free alias to the UNPIVOT FOR list :

    If you the pivoted columns had deafferents datatypes then you will have to convert them into one datatype (VARCHAR for exemple).

         CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), CheckTime,101) AS Date
        ,DATEPART(hh, CheckTime) AS 'Check_Hour'
        ,CAST(KneeCapValue AS DECIMAL) AS 'Knee_Cap'
        ,CAST(AttachedBackValue AS DECIMAL) AS 'Attached_Back'
        ,CAST(BackSliverValue AS DECIMAL) AS 'Back_Sliver'
        ,CAST(HardCartilageValue AS DECIMAL) AS 'Hard_Cartilage'
        ,CAST(BoneValue AS DECIMAL) AS 'Bone'
        ,CAST(BoneFree AS DECIMAL) AS 'Bone_Free'
      FROM DarkMeatFinishedProduct
    ) AS Source
    Unpivot(Value FOR Measure IN (Knee_Cap, Attached_Back, Back_Sliver, Hard_Cartilage, Bone, Bone_Free)) AS Pvt_Tble