I'm looking into loading a bunch of text files that are in a directory, and using their content in my code.
I tried using fs
to read the files like this : fs.readdir
but it doesn't work because my app is browser only, without server.
I found that you can use webpack
's require.context()
to load the files so I used it like this :
const files = require.context('./my-directory', true, /\.txt$/);
files.keys().forEach((key) => {
const fileContent = files(key);
// do something with the file content
but const fileContent = files(key);
is returning the file name and not the file content.
the docs don't seem to have much answers on how to deal with this and I'm stuck. any suggestions?
I got it.
I was using the loader (raw-loader
) incorrectly, and not making the correct call to get the file content. I was doing this in webpack.config
test: /\.txt$/i,
type: 'asset/resource',
loader: 'raw-loader',
and the correct way was to remove the type
and the correct way to get the file content is like this :
const files = require.context('./my-directory', true, /\.txt$/);
files.keys().forEach((key) => {
const file = files(key);
const fileContent = file.default;
// do something with the file content
hope this helps someone.