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TypeOrm not able to recognize the entities via directory path

Im using typeorm with nestjs and postgreSql and trying to load the entities via the datasource options object which gets passed in the useFactory async function inside the typeorm module like

  imports: [TypeOrmModule.forRootAsync({ useFactory: () => (datasourceOptions) })],

this dataSourceOptions obejct is in a separate file containing the key value pairs of options and values repsectively. i wanted to pass typeorm to check and recognize the entities via the glob pattern

 entities: [
        join(__dirname, "../**/*entity{.ts,.js}")

like this , i have tried to test it with different patterns still i cant get it to work and i remember it used to work earlier with these patterns automatically registering the entities , now for a workaround i manually put in the entities instead of the pattern . how do i solve it so that all the entities get regitered without me having to entering the entity names manually one by one like

entities: [User, Conversation,Room, ],

i tried using different glob patterns and even the verified ones which used to work earlier but none are working right now , i dont know if thats because of some recent changes in the typeorm datasource options .


  • I rolled back to 0.3.11 and it worked.

    The problem is related to the paths in Windows:

    It seems that the problem lies in minor changes (0.3.12).


    "typeorm": "0.3.11"


    "typeorm": "^0.3.11",
    "typeorm": "^0.3.12",
    "typeorm": "0.3.12",