Does anyone know how to fix this exception? Not sure if it's related but it is falling on #discard
method calling from discard
if object.discard
# Psych::DisallowedClass:
# Tried to load unspecified class: ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone
I've tried each of the following config settings added to config/application.rb but the issue still persists(no spring running, no preloading)
# config.active_record.yaml_column_permitted_classes = [Symbol, Hash, Array, ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess, ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, Time]
# config.active_record.use_yaml_unsafe_load
# config.active_support.use_yaml_unsafe_load
Ruby version: 3.1.2 | Rails version: 6.1.7
Related question:
Upgrading to Ruby 3.1 causes Psych::DisallowedClass exception when using YAML.load_file
As a temporary workaround, I've rolled back to 6.1.6
Rails version but I'm looking for a proper solution to this issue.
Add the following to the file config/application.rb
config.active_record.yaml_column_permitted_classes = [Symbol, Date, Time, ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, ActiveSupport::TimeZone]
It should solve the issue. Then restart the server and reload!
the Rails console to ensure it works.
Credit to a comment above for providing this solution.