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What does the parameter code of this method mean?

As the title says, TBitArray<> does not have an exact type, so does it mean that this method can accept any such as TBitArray<int32>, TBitArray<float>, ... as parameters?

FORCEINLINE bool HasAll(const TBitArray<>& Other) const
    FConstWordIterator ThisIterator(*this);
    FConstWordIterator OtherIterator(Other);

    while (ThisIterator || OtherIterator)
        const uint32 A = ThisIterator ? ThisIterator.GetWord() : 0;
        const uint32 B = OtherIterator ? OtherIterator.GetWord() : 0;
        if ((A & B) != B)
            return false;


    return true;

And what difference with this code

template<class T>
FORCEINLINE bool HasAll(const TBitArray<T>& Other) const


  • TBitArray<> is a template class with all default template parameters. If it's TBitArray<int32> or TBitArray<float> depends on the template definition.

    Here is its definition:

    template<typename Allocator = FDefaultBitArrayAllocator>
    class TBitArray;

    So, it's neither int32 nor float, it's the default array allocator.