I want to create a usage plan for an associated API stage. I am using the following command right now:
aws apigateway create-usage-plan --name "New Usage Plan1" --api-stages '[{ "apiId": "abcde12345", "stage":"test-stage", "throttle": {"Test from CLI": { "burstLimit": 200, "rateLimit": 100}}}]' --throttle burstLimit=200,rateLimit=100 --quota limit=500,offset=0,period=MONTH
where abcde12345
is my Rest API ID, test-stage
is the stage I want it to be associated with, Test from CLI
is the API Key I successfully created.
I get the following error:
An error occurred (BadRequestException) when calling the CreateUsagePlan operation: Invalid method {resourcePath: Test from CLI,method: } specified
I tried replacing the Key Test from CLI
with the ID of the API Key abc123
but that throws the same error as well:
An error occurred (BadRequestException) when calling the CreateUsagePlan operation: Invalid method {resourcePath: abc123,method: } specified
I looked at this to create this usage plan. Where am I going wrong in this command?
Test from CLI is the name of my API Key
This is not what KeyName1
referers to. This is a key name representing your method in your API, e.g. /pets/GET
in the following default example :
"apiStages": [
"apiId": "ym7ggv1kh6",
"stage": "test",
"throttle": {
"/pets/GET": {
"burstLimit": 33,
"rateLimit": 33.0