I'm building a web app and using Capacitor to build an Android version. Everything works until I add Firebase messaging in my app, which I import from the following firebase.js file:
import firebase from 'firebase/app'
import 'firebase/firebase-messaging'
const firebaseConfig = {
// my details here
export default firebase.messaging()
When I do this, the app works fine when I serve it up in the browser, but when I run it in Capacitor (with no errors) shown, the app shows only a "white screen of death" in my Android emulator. Prior to that the app worked fine in the Android emulator.
I've narrowed the problem down to running firebase.messaging()
. The app runs fine in Capacitor when I replace the last line above with export default function dummy_function() { return true; }
Unfortunately the Android Studio event log says only "Failed to start monitoring emulator-5554". So that's not helpful!
How do I fix this? Here's my complete code.
You have to use a Capacitor plugin to integrate Firebase messaging. Among others the following plugins exist:
Disclosure: I am the maintainer of @capacitor-firebase/messaging