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Extract attributes from objects in a list and write them into a dataframe

I have a list of objects (outputs of survey::svyciprop) and I am trying to extract their attributes to create a data frame with all of the results.

#example of an object
                2.5% 97.5%
var1     0.932 0.826  0.98

I have figured out how to extract each item I want in a separate column:

var <- attr(props_and_cis[[1]],"names")
prop <- as.vector(props_and_cis[[1]])
ci_lower <- attr(props_and_cis[[1]], "ci")[1]
ci_upper <- attr(props_and_cis[[1]], "ci")[2]

I would like to iterate through each object in my list props_and_cis and write the extracted content into a dataframe, for example:

  ~variable, ~prop, ~ci_lower, ~ci_upper,

But I can't seem to make it work. Can someone help?


> dput(props_and_cis[[1]])
structure(c(var1 = 0.932403111115339), var = structure(0.00119910004765771, dim = c(1L, 
1L), dimnames = list("as.numeric(var1)", "as.numeric(var1)")), ci = c(`2.5%` = 0.825647967272783, 
`97.5%` = 0.975715067477937), class = "svyciprop")


  • Write a function to extract the wanted data.

    extract_attr <- function(x) {
      v <- attr(x, "names")
      ci <- attr(x, "ci")
      y <- cbind(data.frame(var = v, prop = c(x)),
      row.names(y) <- NULL
    #>    var      prop     2.5%     97.5%
    #> 1 var1 0.9324031 0.825648 0.9757151

    Created on 2023-03-30 with reprex v2.0.2

    Then lapply the function to your list members and rbind the result to get one data.frame. In the example below I repeat the posted data example, all list members are equal to one another.

    res <- lapply(props_and_cis, extract_attr), res)
    #>    var      prop     2.5%     97.5%
    #> 1 var1 0.9324031 0.825648 0.9757151
    #> 2 var1 0.9324031 0.825648 0.9757151
    #> 3 var1 0.9324031 0.825648 0.9757151

    Created on 2023-03-30 with reprex v2.0.2


    posted <-   structure(c(var1 = 0.932403111115339), 
                          var = structure(0.00119910004765771, dim = c(1L, 1L),
                                          dimnames = list("as.numeric(var1)", "as.numeric(var1)")),
                          ci = c(`2.5%` = 0.825647967272783, `97.5%` = 0.975715067477937), 
                          class = "svyciprop")
    props_and_cis <- list(posted, posted, posted)

    Created on 2023-03-30 with reprex v2.0.2