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Is there way to merge a few IProgress<float> objects?

I would like to merge two IProgress<T> objects into one IProgress<T> where T is a number. It should always return the average of all merged progresses. So for example progress1 = 50% and progress2 = 70% to mergedProgress = 60%.

This could possibly look like this, but so far I have not found an approach to merge two or more IProgress objects:

IProgress<float> p1 = new Progress(value=> Console.WriteLine(value));

IProgress<float> p2 = new Progress(value=> Console.WriteLine(value));

IProgress<float> pM = Progress.Merge(p1,p2,value=> Console.WriteLine("Full progress: " + value));

So far I have only found one way around which I have to go when creating the Progress objects to output the passage in another Progress. I have stored the returned values in an array and then calculate the average manually, because the method ".Average()" does not work, because several threads would access the array:

float[] progress = new float[2]

IProgress<float> pM = new Progress(value=>
   double p=0;
   for (int i = 0; i < progress.Length; i++)
   Console.WriteLine("Full progress: " + p/progress.Length)

IProgress<float> p1 = new Progress(value=>{ progress[0]=value; pM.Report(0); });

IProgress<float> p2 = new Progress(value=>{ progress[1]=value; pM.Report(0); });

Is there a way to merge the Progress<float> objects?


  • You could write your own amalgamator:

    public sealed class ProgressAmalgamator : Progress<double>
        public void Attach(Progress<double> progress)
            lock (_lock)
                progress.ProgressChanged += progress_ProgressChanged;
        void progress_ProgressChanged(object? sender, double e)
            double average = 0;
            lock (_lock)
                for (int i = 0; i < _progressors.Count; i++)
                    if (ReferenceEquals(_progressors[i], sender))
                        _progress[i] = e;
                average = _progress.Average();
        readonly List<IProgress<double>> _progressors = new();
        readonly List<double> _progress = new();
        readonly object _lock = new object();

    This assumes that all the progress sources are using the same scaling - if they don't, the calculated average will of course be incorrect.

    Sample console app using it (note the addition of a Console.WriteLine() to progress_ProgressChanged() that you don't want in production code):

    namespace Console1;
    public static class Program
        public static async Task Main()
            var progress1 = new Progress<double>();
            var progress2 = new Progress<double>();
            var progress3 = new Progress<double>();
            var amalgamator = new ProgressAmalgamator();
            amalgamator.ProgressChanged += (_, progress) => Console.WriteLine($"Amalgamated progress = {progress}");
            Task[] tasks =
                Task.Run(() => simulateProgress("A", progress1, 10, 1000)),
                Task.Run(() => simulateProgress("B", progress2, 20, 2000)),
                Task.Run(() => simulateProgress("C", progress3, 50, 5000))
            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
            Console.WriteLine("All tasks completed.");
        static void simulateProgress(string name, IProgress<double> progress, double step, int delay)
            double current = 0;
            while (current < 100)
                current += step;
                Console.WriteLine($"Thread {name} is reporting progress = {current}");
                progress.Report(Math.Min(current, 100));
    public sealed class ProgressAmalgamator : Progress<double>
        public void Attach(Progress<double> progress)
            lock (_lock)
                progress.ProgressChanged += progress_ProgressChanged;
        void progress_ProgressChanged(object? sender, double e)
            double average = 0;
            lock (_lock)
                for (int i = 0; i < _progressors.Count; i++)
                    if (ReferenceEquals(_progressors[i], sender))
                        Console.WriteLine($"Setting progress for progressor {i} to {e}");
                        _progress[i] = e;
                average = _progress.Average();
        readonly List<IProgress<double>> _progressors = new();
        readonly List<double> _progress = new();
        readonly object _lock = new object();

    Sample output:

    Thread A is reporting progress = 10
    Setting progress for progressor 0 to 10
    Amalgamated progress = 3.3333333333333335
    Thread A is reporting progress = 20
    Thread B is reporting progress = 20
    Setting progress for progressor 0 to 20
    Setting progress for progressor 1 to 20
    Amalgamated progress = 6.666666666666667
    Amalgamated progress = 13.333333333333334
    Thread A is reporting progress = 30
    Setting progress for progressor 0 to 30
    Amalgamated progress = 16.666666666666668
    Thread A is reporting progress = 40
    Thread B is reporting progress = 40
    Setting progress for progressor 0 to 40
    Amalgamated progress = 20
    Setting progress for progressor 1 to 40
    Amalgamated progress = 26.666666666666668
    Thread C is reporting progress = 50
    Setting progress for progressor 2 to 50
    Amalgamated progress = 43.333333333333336
    Thread A is reporting progress = 50
    Setting progress for progressor 0 to 50
    Amalgamated progress = 46.666666666666664
    Thread B is reporting progress = 60
    Setting progress for progressor 1 to 60
    Amalgamated progress = 53.333333333333336
    Thread A is reporting progress = 60
    Setting progress for progressor 0 to 60
    Amalgamated progress = 56.666666666666664
    Thread A is reporting progress = 70
    Setting progress for progressor 0 to 70
    Amalgamated progress = 60
    Thread B is reporting progress = 80
    Setting progress for progressor 1 to 80
    Amalgamated progress = 66.66666666666667
    Thread A is reporting progress = 80
    Setting progress for progressor 0 to 80
    Amalgamated progress = 70
    Thread A is reporting progress = 90
    Setting progress for progressor 0 to 90
    Amalgamated progress = 73.33333333333333
    Thread C is reporting progress = 100
    Setting progress for progressor 2 to 100
    Amalgamated progress = 90
    Thread B is reporting progress = 100
    Setting progress for progressor 1 to 100
    Amalgamated progress = 96.66666666666667
    Thread A is reporting progress = 100
    Setting progress for progressor 0 to 100
    Amalgamated progress = 100
    All tasks completed.