I have used wrap_plots()
, ggarrange()
, or grid.arrange()
in the past. However, I have not found how to arrange several plots per page, using a for
loop, when the number of plots is not a multiple number of the number of pages wanted.
Let us say I have six plot and I want four plots per page, for (quite a silly) instance. If I do the following, I get an error, obviously enough:
for (i in seq(1,6,4))
grid.arrange(plots[[i]] , plots[[i+1]] , plots[[i+2]] , plots[[i+3]], col = 2, row = 2)
I know I could create a loop up to the maximal multiple value of four in the list, and the create a second loop with the remaining plots, but I wonder if there is an easier and/or more elegant way to handle this.
Finally, using wrap_plots()
or ggarrange()
seems more complicated when I want to create multiple pages one after the other, even if they are complete 2*2: I do not get a viable pdf. I think I am missing something regarding those two.
Thanks you for your help.
One option would be to create an index vector which assigns plots to pages. Afterwards you can loop over the pages like so:
plots <- lapply(1:6, function(x) {
ggplot(mtcars, aes(hp, mpg)) +
geom_point() +
labs(title = x)
pages <- (seq_along(plots) - 1) %/% 4
lapply(unique(pages), function(page) {
wrap_plots(plots[pages %in% page])
#> [[1]]
#> [[2]]
Or using ggarrange
lapply(unique(pages), function(page) {
ggarrange(plotlist = plots[pages %in% page])