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Do CGI and mod_perl play nicely together?

I've got an apache web server (without mod_perl) that's been running just fine for a long time. It has been suggested that we use mod_perl to improve the performance of some scripts.

I want to go ahead and install mod_perl on the server, which seems to be a relatively straightforward process, but I'm confused by some of the stuff coming up on Google searches. If I install mod_perl (through the debian repositories), will all of my existing CGIs suddenly start "using mod_perl" and exhibiting potentially wonky behavior?

Or is there some configuration in apache that needs to be done for an old CGI to "start using mod_perl"?

Apologies if this is a straightforward answer but I am confused by the terminology being used in multiple ways in the documentation.


  • mod_perl has to be configured in your httpd.conf to be enabled. So not every script on your server will start to use mod_perl automatically.

    Usually, you enable mod_perl per VHost. A usual configuration of mod_perl for a vhost looks like this:

        ServerAdmin [email protected]
        DocumentRoot /data/path/to/root/
        Perlrequire /data/path/to/
        PerlModule Apache2::Reload
        PerlInitHandler Apache2::Reload
        PerlModule Apache2::RequestRec
        ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/data/path/to/root/cgi-bin/"
        <Location /cgi-bin/>
                SetHandler perl-script
                PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::Registry
                PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
                PerlOptions +SetupEnv
                Options +ExecCGI
        CustomLog logs/access.log combined
        ErrorLog logs/error.log

    Be carefull with the automated install-process! It may enable mod_perl on the wrong host for some reason! BackUp your config and apache-installation first to be able to "roll back" easily.

    Comment: The line "Perlrequire /data/path/to/" is not required. It is optional and sets some environment variables for the running scripts under the mod_perl env.