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GetX ecosystem help: Can I replace a simple Flutter class with a GetxController?


I am new to Flutter and Android Application development and want to step into getX ecosystem. I have heard that a GetxController will perform better in comparison with a simple dart class, but have some basic doubts.

The doubts:

  1. Can I replace a normal class with a GetxController?

  2. What are the advantages I will get for doing so?

Here's what I tried:

Here's a normal class:

class WeatherModel {
  String getWeatherIcon(int condition) {
    if (condition < 300) {
      return '🌩';
    } else if (condition < 400) {
      return '🌧';
    } else if (condition < 600) {
      return '☔️';
    } else if (condition < 700) {
      return '☃️';
    } else if (condition < 800) {
      return '🌫';
    } else if (condition == 800) {
      return '☀️';
    } else if (condition <= 804) {
      return '☁️';
    } else {
      return '🤷‍';

  String getMessage(int temp) {
    if (temp > 25) {
      return 'It\'s 🍦 time';
    } else if (temp > 20) {
      return 'Time for shorts and 👕';
    } else if (temp < 10) {
      return 'You\'ll need 🧣 and 🧤';
    } else {
      return 'Bring a 🧥 just in case';

I tried to convert this to a GetxController:

import 'package:get/get.dart';

class WeatherModel extends GetxController {
  String getWeatherIcon(int condition) {
    if (condition < 300) {
      return '🌩';
    } else if (condition < 400) {
      return '🌧';
    } else if (condition < 600) {
      return '☔️';
    } else if (condition < 700) {
      return '☃️';
    } else if (condition < 800) {
      return '🌫';
    } else if (condition == 800) {
      return '☀️';
    } else if (condition <= 804) {
      return '☁️';
    } else {
      return '🤷‍';

  String getMessage(int temp) {
    if (temp > 25) {
      return 'It\'s 🍦 time';
    } else if (temp > 20) {
      return 'Time for shorts and 👕';
    } else if (temp < 10) {
      return 'You\'ll need 🧣 and 🧤';
    } else {
      return 'Bring a 🧥 just in case';

So, am I doing it right? Give me some tips for doing this correctly, and finally what are the advantages I get after converting?

Thanks in advance😊!!


  • GetxController

    Controllers are classes where all our business logic goes. All the variables and methods are placed here and can be accessed from the view. While we can just create a simple class for this purpose, GetX provides a class called GetxController which extends DisposableInterface.

    This means that our controller will get deleted from memory as soon as the widgets using it are removed from the navigation stack. We don’t have to manually dispose anything and the memory consumption is reduced, resulting in high performance.

    GetxController comes with onInit() and onClose() methods which essentially replace the initState() and dispose() methods of the StatefulWidget. This allows us to completely avoid using StatefulWidget and write highly organized code.