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Cypress 12.8.1 not working with Stripe Elements iframe

I have been stuck on this for ages and can't figure out how to get Cypress 12.8.1 to work with Stripe elements to enter credit card details and create a payment.

I have scoured the internet but none of the solutions seem to work.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

I have tried:

  1. Using xpath this does nto work for me. See error: enter image description here

  2. Tried this plugin but it does not work anymore.

  3. Tried this but got the following error.

    const $body = $element.contents().find('body')
    let stripe = cy.wrap($body)
    stripe = cy.wrap($body)
    stripe = cy.wrap($body)

enter image description here

  1. Tried a few versions of adding the custom Cypress command "iframeLoaded" but I can't figure out how to add these in the new Cypress 12 typescript format and just get errors.

My code in support/commands.ts

// ***********************************************
// This example namespace declaration will help
// with Intellisense and code completion in your
// IDE or Text Editor.
// ***********************************************
declare namespace Cypress {
  interface Chainable<Subject = any> {
    iframeLoaded($iframe: any): typeof iframeLoaded;

function iframeLoaded($iframe: any): Promise<any> {
  const contentWindow = $iframe.prop('contentWindow')
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    if (contentWindow && contentWindow.document.readyState === 'complete') {
    } else {
      $iframe.on('load', () => {

Cypress.Commands.add('iframeLoaded', {prevSubject: 'element'}, iframeLoaded);

enter image description here


I think I have it using Fody's answer. I made 3 changes. I had to change it like so:

    function getCardField(selector: any, attempts = 0) {
          Cypress.log({displayName: 'getCardField', message: `${selector}: ${attempts}`})
          if (attempts > 50) throw new Error('too many attempts')
          return cy.get('iframe', {timeout:10_000, log:false})
// CHANGE: .eq(1 to .eq(0
            .eq(0, {log:false})
            .its('0.contentDocument', {log:false})
            .find('body', {log:false})
            .then(body => {
              const cardField = body.find(selector)
              if (!cardField.length) {
                return cy.wait(300, {log:false})
                  .then(() => {
                    getCardField(selector, ++attempts)
              } else {
                return cy.wrap(cardField)
// CHANGE: "div.CardField" to "div.CardNumberField input"
        getCardField('div.CardNumberField input')

// CHANGE: "div.CardField" to "div.CardNumberField-input-wrapper"
      .should('have.value', '4242 4242 4242 4242')   // passes


  • The short answer is, the Stripe iframes take time to load and display the fields you need to access, so you need to add a retry.

    Usually you use .should() assertions to retry until something you want is present in the DOM.

    Unfortunately, with an <iframe> inside the page, you can't use .should() because it doesn't retry all the steps in the chain back to contentDocument.

    So you need roll-your-own retry with a recursive function.

    Here's a working example using a sample Stripe page:

    cy.intercept({ resourceType: /xhr|fetch/ }, { log: false })  // suppress fetch logs 
    cy.viewport(1500, 1000)
    function getCardField(selector, attempts = 0) {
      Cypress.log({displayName: 'getCardField', message: `${selector}: ${attempts}`})
      if (attempts > 50) throw new Error('too many attempts')
      return cy.get('iframe', {timeout:10_000, log:false})
        .eq(1, {log:false})
        .its('0.contentDocument', {log:false}) 
        .find('body', {log:false})
        .then(body => {
          const cardField = body.find(selector)
          if (!cardField.length) {
            return cy.wait(300, {log:false})
              .then(() => {
                getCardField(selector, ++attempts)
          } else {
            return cy.wrap(cardField)
      .should('have.value', '4242 4242 4242 4242')   // ✅ passes

    A more general recursive function

    function getStripeField({iframeSelector, fieldSelector}, attempts = 0) {
      Cypress.log({displayName: 'getCardField', message: `${fieldSelector}: ${attempts}`})
      if (attempts > 50) throw new Error('too many attempts')
      return cy.get(iframeSelector, {timeout:10_000, log:false})
        .eq(0, {log:false})
        .its('0.contentDocument', {log:false}) 
        .find('body', {log:false})
        .then(body => {
          const stripeField = body.find(fieldSelector)
          if (!stripeField.length) {
            return cy.wait(300, {log:false})
              .then(() => {
                getStripeField({iframeSelector, fieldSelector}, ++attempts)
          } else {
            return cy.wrap(stripeField)
      iframeSelector: 'iframe[title="Secure card number input frame"]', 
      fieldSelector: 'div.CardNumberField-input-wrapper'
      iframeSelector: 'iframe[title="Secure card number input frame"]', 
      fieldSelector: 'div.CardNumberField-input-wrapper input'
    .should('have.value', '4242 4242 4242 4242')
      iframeSelector: '[title="Secure expiration date input frame"]', 
      fieldSelector: '[name="exp-date"]'
      iframeSelector: '[title="Secure expiration date input frame"]', 
      fieldSelector: '[name="exp-date"]'
    .should('have.value', '03 / 23')

    Note, it seems to be important to re-query the stripe field after updating, when confirming it's new value.