I would like to make a proximity prompt on an NPC but I only want it to show up when the player is holding a certain item. Does anyone know how?
Here's some sample code for you. This code listens for the opening of an item, and then creates a proximity prompt at the desired location of the NPC. Then, it listens for the unequipping and removes the prompt. Be sure to change the name of the NPC in line 1 to the name/location of yours.Put this as a serverscript as a child to the tool.
local npc = Workspace:WaitForChild("NPC")
local HumanoidRootPartPos = npc:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position
local tool = script.Parent
local ProximityPrompt = Instance.new("ProximityPrompt")
ProximityPrompt.Position = HumanoidRootPartPos
ProximityPrompt.Parent = npc
ProximityPrompt.Name = "ToolInteractionPrompt"
--configure the action text and prompt text here (i forgot the property names)
local prompt = npc:FindFirstChild("ToolInteractionPrompt")