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Why is Tensor not a leaf tensor?

I'm working on a program in which I initialise leaf node tensors (which require gradients) with the same values as existing tensors. As a simple example of such a program, I create 4 tensors as follows:

a = torch.tensor(4, dtype=torch.float32)
b = a.detach().clone().requires_grad_(True)
c = b*b
d = torch.empty_like(c).copy_(c).requires_grad_(True)
print(b.is_leaf) # True
print(d.is_leaf) # False

d is not a leaf node. If I define b as b = a.detach().clone() (IE don't call requires_grad_(True) for b), then both b and d are leaf nodes:

a = torch.tensor(4, dtype=torch.float32)
b = a.detach().clone()
c = b*b
d = torch.empty_like(c).copy_(c).requires_grad_(True)
print(b.is_leaf) # True
print(d.is_leaf) # True

Why does the way in which b is defined determine whether or not d is a leaf node?

Note that if I define d as d = c.detach().clone().requires_grad_(True) (using detach.clone instead of empty_like.copy_), then d is a leaf node regardless of whether or not I call requires_grad_(True) for b.


  • A similar question: How to understand creating leaf tensors in PyTorch?

    You could check that out, I think it should be understandable from that.

    Also useful documentations:

    In your first example, you create a tensor: a = torch.tensor(4, dtype=torch.float32) which is by convention, a leaf. Your b is still a leaf, that you created with requires_grad_(True). Then you, perform an operation on this tensor (that has requires_grad=True!!!) by b * b, making c not a leaf tensor anymore.

    However in your second example, you do not perform any operations on tensors that have requires_grad=True, so your operations are not recorded. All of these tensors - by convention - are leaf tensors. Last line of your second example, just makes a copy of your c tensor (still no operations recorded), and returns a NEW tensor that has requires_grad=True. But in this example, this is the first tensor such that it requires gradients, with no operations performed on it, still making it a leaf node.