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How to add adjusted pvalue to the corrplot matrix?

I used following code to create correlation matrix and generate pvalue. How do I create adjusted pvalue for each correlation?

#Running correlation
M = cor(mtcars)

#identifying pvalues
testRes = cor.mtest(mtcars, conf.level = 0.95)

#creating pairwise p value
pval =$p))

output is:

    Var1    Var2    Freq
   <fct>    <fct>   <dbl>
1   mpg     mpg     0.000000e+00
2   cyl     mpg     6.112687e-10
3   disp    mpg     9.380327e-10
4   hp      mpg     1.787835e-07
5   drat    mpg     1.776240e-05
6   wt      mpg     1.293959e-10

How do I calculate adjusted pvalue here and add it in the colimn after pvalue?


  • Actually it's just cbind(<res>, p.adj=p.adjust(<res>$p, method='BH')).

    First the correlation p-values solution without using the corrplot package.

    pm <- outer(mtcars, mtcars, Vectorize(\(x, y) cor.test(x, y)$p.value))
    res <- |> setNames(c("Var1", "Var2", "p"))

    Now, cbind adj. p-values; I use the Benjamini-Hochberg aka false discovery rate (FDR) method. Also common is the "bonferroni" method; see ?p.adjust for options.

    res <- cbind(res, p.adj=p.adjust(res$p, method='BH'))  ## here you could use any `res`, e.g. your `pval` object and `pval&Freq`
    #   Var1 Var2            p        p.adj
    # 1  mpg  mpg 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
    # 2  cyl  mpg 6.112687e-10 3.892817e-09
    # 3 disp  mpg 9.380327e-10 5.404855e-09
    # 4   hp  mpg 1.787835e-07 6.555396e-07
    # 5 drat  mpg 1.776240e-05 3.770615e-05
    # 6   wt  mpg 1.293959e-10 9.209941e-10

    If you like pipes, you can do:

    res <- outer(mtcars, mtcars, Vectorize(\(x, y) cor.test(x, y)$p.value)) |>
      as.table() |> |> setNames(c("Var1", "Var2", "p")) |>
      {\(.) cbind(., p.adj=p.adjust(.$p, method='BH'))}()
    #   Var1 Var2            p        p.adj
    # 1  mpg  mpg 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
    # 2  cyl  mpg 6.112687e-10 3.892817e-09
    # 3 disp  mpg 9.380327e-10 5.404855e-09
    # 4   hp  mpg 1.787835e-07 6.555396e-07
    # 5 drat  mpg 1.776240e-05 3.770615e-05
    # 6   wt  mpg 1.293959e-10 9.209941e-10