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In JPA2 and Java 10, how do I map the value of an enum to an @Enumerated column?

I'm using Java 10. If I define an enum like this

public enum MyEnum {
  NAME1("value 1"),
  NAME2("value 2"),

and then I have a JPA-mapped database column that is defined by the enum

  @Enumerated(value = EnumType.STRING)
  private MyEnum status;

What else do I need to do to map the value of the enum (e.g. "value 2") to the column "status" instead of the name, which is getting mapped currently?


  • If JPA2 really means JPA 2.1 then AttributeConverter is the perfect solution.

    A class that implements this interface can be used to convert entity attribute state into database column representation and back again. Note that the X and Y types may be the same Java type.

    In this case there is an entity

    @Table(name = "account")
    public class Account {
        private Long id;
        // Custom converter registered manually
        @Convert(converter = AccountTypeConverter.class)
        private AccountType type;
        private Double balance;
        // Getters and setters omitted for brevity

    and an enumerated field AccountType

    public enum AccountType {
        private final String shortValue;
        private AccountType(String value) {
            this.shortValue = value;
        public String getShortValue() {
            return shortValue;
        private static final Function<String, AccountType> byShortValue = s ->
                        .filter(e -> e.getShortValue().equals(s))
                        .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid account type: " + s));
        public static AccountType fromShortValue(String shortValue) {
            return Optional.ofNullable(shortValue)

    Finally, the instructed AccountTypeConverter should be like

    public class AccountTypeConverter implements AttributeConverter<AccountType, String> {
        public String convertToDatabaseColumn(AccountType attribute) {
            return Optional.ofNullable(attribute)
        public AccountType convertToEntityAttribute(String dbData) {
            return AccountType.fromShortValue(dbData);

    When opening an Account

    doInJPA(emFactory, em -> {
        var debit = new Account()
        var credit = new Account()

    the generated SQL statements are like this

    INSERT INTO account 
        (balance, type, id) 
    VALUES (
    INSERT INTO account 
        (balance, type, id) 
    VALUES (

    The previous example shows how to implement and register an attribute converter to a field of an enity. If you have multiple entities with the same type of enumerated field and all occurrences should be converted, then it is possible to auto-register the converter.

    Auto-registered AttributeConverter

    @Converter(autoApply = true)
    public class AccountTypeConverter implements AttributeConverter<AccountType, String> {
        // implementation is same

    In this case annotating the entity field is no longer necessary.

    @Table(name = "account")
    public class Account {
        private Long id;
        // Previously registered converter applied automatically
        private AccountType type;
        private Double balance;
        // Getters and setters omitted for brevity