when i install hexagon sdk using QPM, error occured "hexagonsdk5x_jre. hexagonsdk5x_jre. was not installed". then install these deps using "java -jar .\utils\scripts\depDl.jar -c cmake/devcon/fullndk..." -> cannot enter image description here
enter image description here
there is not launch_hexagon_ide.cmd file in rootDir
how to solve these problems?and using hexagonsdk for development.
It seems that there was an interruption in your internet connection or your internet connection is blocking ping. You can try to reinstall the Hexagon SDK with ping enabled and an internet connection. If you can't have a continuous internet connection, or you cannot enable ping, you will need to download the various components of the SDK separately as described in the Hexagon SDK documentation: file:///C:/Qualcomm/Hexagon_SDK/
You should be able to find the document at your install location. Reinstall the SDK if you cannot find this. If you are downloading the components to a separate location, you will need the .json file mentioned in the doc and present in the %TEMP% folder, otherwise you can proceed without using the .json, it should pick it up from the server mentioned in the doc.
For example, in your case you need Eclipse downloaded. Eclipse further depends on JRE and cmake4eclipse. These can be downloaded separately from the links mentioned in the above doc or using the following commands: (Please note the java location here. Your java installation might not be compatible. The below mentioned path has the proper version of java you would need to download the component. If the Tool is not downloaded, reinstall the SDK, or maybe try with your own java)
C:\Qualcomm\Hexagon_SDK\\tools\HEXAGON_Tools\8.5.13\Tools\java\jre\bin\java.exe -jar %HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT%\utils\scripts\depDl.jar -t %HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT% -j C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\hexSDKCFG.json -c JRE
C:\Qualcomm\Hexagon_SDK\\tools\HEXAGON_Tools\8.5.13\Tools\java\jre\bin\java.exe -jar %HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT%\utils\scripts\depDl.jar -t %HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT% -j C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\hexSDKCFG.json -c cmake4eclipse
C:\Qualcomm\Hexagon_SDK\\tools\HEXAGON_Tools\8.5.13\Tools\java\jre\bin\java.exe -jar %HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT%\utils\scripts\depDl.jar -t %HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT% -j C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\hexSDKCFG.json -c Eclipse
Hope this helps.