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How do I build the YAML PECL extension for Windows when there isn't already a DLL available?

I have PHP 8.2.4 installed on my Windows machine and I would like to enable the YAML extension. The instructions that I have followed in the past are to download the the Windows DLL from the PECL YAML site:

However, the site (at this point in time) doesn't have a built DLL for PHP 8.2.

I tried following the steps provided in the following document but it wasn't generating the correct DLL:

When I tried copying the DLL into the php extensions folder and enabling it in the php.ini, it gives an error for that extension.


  • Here's what I did to compile a compatible version using the following site as a guide:

    1. Install Virtual Studio Build Tools 2019 Components
      • Windows Universal C Runtime
      • C++ Build Tools core features
      • MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools (Latest)
      • C++ CMake tools for Windows
      • Testing tools core features - Build Tools
      • C++ v14.29 (16.10) MFC for v142 build tools (x86 & x64)
      • Windows 10 SDK (10.0.20348.0)
    2. Download Windows PHP and Windows PHP Development Package (on download page)
    3. Download libyaml from PHP pecl deps
    4. Create a build folder for libraries (D:\build)
    5. Extract the Windows PHP Development Package into that folder
    6. Extract the libyaml into that folder as "libyaml"
    7. Clone the yaml repo into that folder
    8. Clone the Microsoft PHP binary tools into that folder and checkout the latest tag (php-sdk-2.2.0)
    9. Open the visual studio app, x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019 (you can find it in the start menu; search for native)
    10. Change directory to the php-sdk-binary-tools folder and run phpsdk-vs16-x64.bat
    11. Set the path to include the PHP that you download and the development package folders on the path: set PATH=D:\php-8.2.4;D:\build\php-8.2.4-devel-vs16-x64;%PATH%
    12. Change directory to the pecl folder "pecl-file_formats-yaml"
    13. Run phpize
    14. Then run configure --with-yaml --with-php-build=..\libyaml
    15. Run nmake

    The yaml dll file will be located in the subdirectory, x64\Release as php_yaml.dll