I have a time series dataset in the following format:
I need to convert this csv file to OpenMetrics format to be able to load it to Prometheus. I tried a couple of tools on GitHub such as csv-exporter but it did not work for me.
How could I make the conversion of this csv dataset to OpenMetrics format?
You can convert metrics your self.
Here is an example of Python a function: it will split csv string of your format and generate metrics based on it.
from typing import List
import datetime
METRIC_COMMON_PREFIX = 'my_sensor_data_s'
def get_metrics(csvline: str) -> List[str]:
result = []
values = csvline.split(',')
my_timestamp = int(datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(values[0]).timestamp())
for i in range(2, len(values)):
result.append(f'{METRIC_COMMON_PREFIX}{i - 1}{{id_station="{values[1]}"}} {values[i]} {my_timestamp}')
return result
Example of output:
my_sensor_data_s1{id_station="st0"} 0.093684 1551391200
my_sensor_data_s2{id_station="st0"} 0.601416 1551391200
my_sensor_data_s3{id_station="st0"} 0.020954 1551391200
my_sensor_data_s4{id_station="st0"} 0.179308 1551391200
my_sensor_data_s1{id_station="st0"} 0.181069 1551477610
my_sensor_data_s2{id_station="st0"} 0.323754 1551477610
my_sensor_data_s3{id_station="st0"} 0.624349 1551477610
my_sensor_data_s4{id_station="st0"} 0.043567 1551477610
Here assumed that your columns after second are values of different sensors, so a different metric is generated for every column.
To convert whole file you can employ script like this:
with open('in.csv') as infile:
with open('out.prom', 'w') as outfile:
for line in infile:
metrics = get_metrics(line.rstrip())
for metric in metrics:
outfile.write(metric + '\n')