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Shopware 6 override twig block plugin

I installed some plugin. I want to override the block named "neti_store_locator_detail_config" in the file vendor/

{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/base.html.twig' %}

{% block base_content %}
    {% block neti_store_locator_detail %}
        <div class="neti-next-store-locator-detail">
        {% block neti_store_locator_detail_config %}
            <input type="hidden" value="{{ page.config|json_encode|escape }}" ref="config">
            <input type="hidden" value="{{|json_encode|escape }}" ref="store">
        {% endblock %}

So I created plugin by command bin/console plugin:create SwagStoreLocator and create file custom/plugins/SwagStoreLocator/src/Resources/views/storefront/store_locator/detail.twig

{% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/base.html.twig' %}

{% block neti_store_locator_detail_config %}
    <div>Not working :(</div>
{% endblock %}

Then I installed and turned on plugin in the admin panel. I typed bin/console cache:clear and bin/console theme:compile. Unfortunately there is not errors, no override … How can I edit only twig from plugin. I don't want to do it in the vendor folder, because it's not allowed to commit such folders.


  • I know how annoying it can become when overwrites silently just won't work. I think there are two issues here. When overwriting /netinextstorelocator/src/Resources/views/storefront/store_locator/detail.twig, you need to adjust the sw_extends command in the twig-template:

    {% sw_extends '@Storefront/storefront/store_locator/detail.twig' %}
    {% block neti_store_locator_detail_config %}
        <div>Not working :(</div>
    {% endblock %}

    This may already work when the folder-structure and extends are set correctly. If not, you have to set the "overwrite-hierarchy" in a config file called "theme.json". Please have a look at this documentation here:

      "views": [

    In the example above I already inserted both of your plugins. The templates will be rendered in the defined order: Shopware > NetiStoreLocator > your plugin > all other plugins