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Copado trying to click an element with ClickElement Xpath - QForce.Click Element' expected 1 to 4 non-named arguments, got 0

In Copado Robotic testing,

Trying to click an element with the help of ClickElement keyword but it does not clicking any of the fields/element.

I followed as per the instruction mentioned in the Copado official website, kindly advise on what I am missing here!

ClickElement         (//span[text()='Opportunities'])[1]    timeout=10

Note: It works with ClickText very well, but I wanted to know about ClickElement


  • The Copado Robotic Testing - CRT needs an escape character before the "=" sign.

    ClickElement  (//span[text()\='Opportunities'])[1]  timeout=10

    In Selenium/Cypress there is no need to do like this. Where as in CRT the xpath must be given in this way.