Currently I am using this code for defining my NSMenuItem:
let showWindow1 = NSMenuItem(title: "Show Window 1", action: #selector(showWindow1), keyEquivalent: "1")
This code works but as you can see it needs a keyEquivalent, in my app there is some actions that they do not need a keyEquivalent like Xcode app:
So I tried this below code for solving my problem:
let showWindow1 = NSMenuItem()
showWindow1.title = "Show Window 1"
This code Adds an item but it is grayout and it is not clickable any more from other side I do not know the way to assign the selector for it without having to give keyEquivalent for it.
Just pass an empty string instead of a key:
let showWindow1 = NSMenuItem(title: "Show Window 1", action: #selector(showWindow1), keyEquivalent: "")