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"std::logic_error" when implementing Stack in C++

Not proficient with C++, I am trying to implement stack using C++ classes and here's my code.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class myStackElement {
        string Data;
        myStackElement* prev;
        myStackElement(string myData, myStackElement* head) {
            Data = myData;
            prev = head;
        string popped(myStackElement* head) {
            head = prev;
            return Data;
        string top() {
            return Data;

class myStack {
        myStackElement* head;
        myStack() {
            head = NULL;
        void push(string myData) {
            myStackElement* temp = new myStackElement(myData, head);
            head = temp;
        string pop() {
            if(head == NULL) {
                return "0";
            else {
                myStackElement * const temp = head;
                string popped = head->popped(head);
                delete temp;
                return popped;
        string peek() {
            if(head == NULL) {
                return "0";
            else {
                string top = head->top();
                return top;

int main() {
    myStack hello;

    string top = hello.peek();
    cout << top << endl;

    top = hello.peek();
    cout << top << endl;

    string popped = hello.pop();
    cout << popped << endl;
    top = hello.peek();
    cout << top << endl;

    return 0;

the output is

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'
  what():  basic_string::_M_construct null not valid
Aborted (core dumped)

Interesting thing is that if I don't peek after popping, the code works fine (prints first three lines). So, I think my head pointer is getting messed up after popping.

It may be related to wrong usage of delete operator. But, I haven't used them enough to know.

The code above is first attempt.

Thanks in advance.


  • As discusses in comments, the head pointer is not being updated in popped function to change a pointer I need to pass a pointer or reference to that pointer.

    string popped(myStackElement** head) {
                *head = prev;
                return Data;


    string pop() {
                if(head == NULL) {
                    return "0";
                else {
                    myStackElement * const temp = head;
                    string popped = head->popped(&head);
                    delete temp;
                    return popped;