Say I have a YAML array and I want to read the items into a bash array:
yaml='- this - is - a - yaml - array'
declare -a arr;
readarray -t arr < <(echo "$yaml" | yq -r '.');
echo ${arr[@]}
The bash array entries retain the -
How might I strip out the -
symbols using yq?
Using Mike Farrah's yq (v4.31.2) but interested in answers for Andrey Kislyuk's too.
yaml='- this - is - a - yaml - array'
I suspect this isn't what you think it is in yaml. This is an array with a single element string with the value "this - is - a - yaml - array".
You need newline characters between each element.
The "-" is being printed because yq
is printing the array yaml node rather than the child elements individually. You just need to splat the results:
echo "- this\n- is\n- a\n- yaml\n- array" | yq '.[]'
disclaimer: I wrote yq